'Floor Mural' the largest Map of the Central District ever painted...
it was dismantled due to gentrification'
~Painted by Artist Carol Rashawnna Williams
Many Ways to Support the work Carol does in the world:
Join Patreon
Gift an item on the WISH LIST
Partner with Carol via Opportunities
Get the App
Many Ways to Partner:
Make an Interview Ask
Provide art workspace for a limited time offer (Carol will travel to you and create commissioned work or just make some art)
Bring Carol to your state as a presenter, topics include Art Practice, Life-Work Balance, Business & Art, Sustainable Practices, Equity and System Solutions, Intentional Communities, Creating the Life You Want, Mapping the Future, Healing at the Core Level, Shared Leadership, or a topic of your choosing.
Provide opportunities to teach in small groups via zoom or in person
Become a Sponsor - be highlighted in blogs, newsletters and email campaigns
Become a contributing blogger to the website
Refer Carol to those with resources; event planners, designers, land developers, community developers
Become a member and gain access to member pages, member posts and opportunities to network, write blogs (build your tribe and blog resume) in the KL4A Sight Members Pages (page is constantly under construction as we build our membership base)
Many Ways to Give::
Land Donations or House for Artist Communities .1
Become a Patron by supporting monthly financial donations .2
Art Supplies .3
Share the website .4
Spread the word about the work I do .5
Stay in touch by joining the contact list .6
Provide Opportunities to Partner .7
Ask what you can do .8
Sign Up for Memberships and become
a KL4A Sight Member 9.
(Page is constantly under construction as we build our membership base)